
Sögustund í Grófinni

Storytimes for friends and family

Everybody is welcome to join us for our regular afternoon storytimes. Families and friends are welcome to have a cozy time with us. After each storytime we usually offer workshops or other activities that make the moment special and memorable.

See what storytimes are planned in our event calendar

Sögustund á náttfötum

Storytime in Pyjamas

Children and their families are invited to listen to a cosy bedtime story in their pyjamas at the Sólheimar City Library the second Thursday of each month. This takes place from September to April at 6:30-7:30 pm. Registration is necessary for each event.

See what Storytime in Pyjamas we have planned in our event calendar


Would you like to host a storytime in your language?

The Story Corner provides the opportunity to offer storytimes for children at the library. You choose the stories, the language, library location and the time and invite those interested to come and listen to your storytime at the library. Click the booking button below and choose the library where you would like to host your storytime.

Storytimes at home

We encourage parents and other adults to take the time to sit down and read with their children. Reading with children is a valuable time to spend together to strengthen relationships, increase vocabulary and build literacy skills - the foundation for play and learning.

The Reykjavik City Library's YouTube cannel you can watch storytime videos in Icelandic with Sóla, Starina and Sigrún Eldjárn. We also have storytimes in Polish, Spanish and Lithuanian.