Let's chat with an accent!

Á íslensku - Po Polsku

Join us for our free Icelandic practice meet-ups Spjöllum með hreim and get to know other people who are learning too! Those weekly meet-ups are for anyone who wants to practice their Icelandic speaking skills in a friendly and relaxed environment with experienced teachers.  Our program is divided into 4 different activities aimed at people with different interests and learning preferences. Have a look at our program and see what suits you best! 

All meet-ups happen in the Reykjavik City Library Grófin (downtown) and all levels are welcome to join us! It's always free and you don‘t need to register, just show up!


Chat and play in Icelandic! (spilum og spjöllum)

Saturday 7th september | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30 
Saturday 5th october | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30 
Saturday 2nd november | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30 
Saturday 30th november | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30 

Chat and read in Icelandic! (lesum og spjöllum)

Saturday 21st september | Grófin (5th floor) | 11:30-13:30
Saturday 19th october | Grófin (5th floor) | 11:30-13:30
Saturday 16th november | Grófin (5th floor) | 11:30-13:30
Saturday 14th december | Grófin (5th floor) | 11:30-13:30

Chat and craft in Icelandic! (föndrum og spjöllum)

Saturday 14th september | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30
Saturday 12th october | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30
Saturday 9th november | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30
Saturday 7th december | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30

Chat and explore in Icelandic! (skoðum og spjöllum)

Saturday 28th september | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30
Saturday 26th october | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30
Saturday 23rd november | Grófin (Torgið) | 11:30-13:30

We have great Icelandic instructors hosting our gatherings to help anybody in need, suggest new games to play or new topics to talk about! Get to know who they are HERE.
Saga Jen Zhang
is a regular guest at Chat and Play and says it's a great way to learn Icelandic and meet new friends. Read more about her experience HERE 
Garance Merholz also shared her thoughts with us! Read her interview HERE.


This program is supported by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and by BM Vallá.

Skjaldamerki félagsmálaráðuneytisins

For further information:
Martyna Karolina Daniel, intercultural specialist

Hildur Björgvinsdóttir, project manager of events and education