Efri: Hildur Björgvinsdóttir, verkefnastjóri viðburða og fræðslu og Martyna Karolina Daniel, sérfræðingur fjölmenningarála á Borgarbókasafninu ásamt Þorsteini Víglundssyni forstjóra Hornsteins og Gunnari Þór Ólafssyn framkvæmdastjóra sölusviðs BM Vallár.

Spjöllum með hreim (Let's chat with an accent) receives a grant

In Icelandic

The project Spjöllum með hreim (e. Let‘s chat with an accent) recently received a grant from BM Vallá social fund. 

Spjöllum með hreim is an event series where those who are learning Icelandic, all levels, beginners as well as more advanced, have the chance to meet every week at the Reykjavík City Library Grófin (down town), practice speaking the language with the help from a teacher and get to know others who are also learning. Diverse teaching methods are used to break the ice and extend the vocabulary; board games, arts and crafts, stories and museum visits.

All the teachers have years of an experience of teacing Icelandic as a second language and we are very excited to continue working with them this upcoming year.

Let‘s have some cozy time together with coffee/tea and a relaxed chat in Icelandic.

Participation is free of charge and there is no sign up, just show up.

Here you can see the program for spring 2024

Saga Jen Zhang and Garance Merholz regularly attend Spjöllum með hreim and say it's a great way to learn the language and meet new people. Here you can read an interview with Saga and here Garance shares where they share their thougths on the projects and and the joy. 

Many thanks to MB Vallá for the support, we look forward continuing to chat in Icelandic, with an accent, in the to come.

All the grant receivers with Anna Bára, Þorsteinn and Gunnar Þór from BM Vallá.

Here you can read about the other projects that received a grant from the social fund, we wish all the grantees best of luck. 

UpdatedFriday December 29th 2023, 10:46