Pikknikk in Klambratún

Two Palestinian families hosted the latest Pikknikk where they shared delicious food with everyone
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Opið samtal | Co-housing Communities

Charles Durrett on how to form collectives to build great neighborhoods.
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The love speech is spreading

A new library project launched this spring!
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The Hrútakofinn Reading Circle

A Reading Circle for men only
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The Sveigur Reading Circle

Do you love to read and discuss books?
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Pikknikk in Grófin

Queer vocabulary in Icelandic was the main discussion point
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The Sólkringlan Reading Circle

Do you love to read and discuss literature?
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Reading Circle | All Kinds of Books

In the reading in Árbær we read good books that suits all
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Writing as World Building - Future for Artists

The advocacy group AIVAG - Artists in Iceland Visa Action Group created a space to imagine and write the future we want for ourselves.
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The Scent Library

Juan Camilo´s a game of navigation where we increase the senses with different smells and movements.
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