NaNoWriMo at the library

NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month which is a sort of an annual competition, held worldwide in November. That means emerging authors work energetically to finish a 50 000 word manuscript for a novel. The time is limited: They have to finish before 11:59 pm November 30th. To work towards their goal, many authors like to meet up with other authors, who have the same goal in mind. 

At Reykjavík City Library there‘s always space and peace to write, but in November we offer special NaNoWriMo events.

SamSkrifa  is a co-writing space that‘s open once a month, but in November it will be open every Saturday between 12pm and 2pmThe co-writing space is open and no need for registration.

And for those who are working on a thriller we have a hair-raising workshop with British author William Ryan : How to plan a murder on Saturday November 19th between 11am and 1pm. The maximum number of participants is 25 and registration can be found at the bottom of this page. 

UppfærtÞriðjudagur, 9. maí, 2023 09:17