Book munch | School groups visiting in the spring

Book presentation for 5th-7th grade
In the spring, children in 5th - 7th grade are invited to the library to hear about new and interesting books in order to whet their appetite to keep up the reading during the summer. After the presentation, the visitors learn about the annual library's summer reading program and then get to take a look at the children's department and find themselves some exiting books to read. 

Book a visit
We encourage teachers of all school levels to include visits to the library a regular part of their lessons. Libraries are true havens for children where they can seek entertainment, meet their friends, do their homework or take part in creative projects. Schools and leisure centers (frístundarheimili) are welcome to visit the library with groups of children, the library staff will welcome them and show them everything the library has to offer at any given time. 

Librarians in the children's department at each library location can provide more information about library visits.
You can send inquiries to

Ingibjörg Ösp Óttarsdóttir | Project Manager – Children & Teens