Information about the event
FULLY BOOKED! Workshop | Live Coding with Lil Data
In this beginner-friendly workshop, you will get hands-on experience working with the popular browser-based live coding platform Strudel (strudel.cc). The workshop will be led by Dr. Jack Armitage AKA Lil Data (instagram.com/lildata.music) from the Intelligent Instruments Lab.
Participants ages 16 and older from all backgrounds are welcome, and no coding experience is necessary. Please note the workshop will be held in English, and there are limited seats available. Participants must bring their own laptop / computer and headphones, although a limited number of on-site computers will be provided upon request. The workshop will be located in the music & video Media Studio on the 5th floor.
The workshop is fully booked!
We are also running a workshop for women and non-binary people which you can sign-up for.
Live coding is the creation of art and music by writing and changing computer programs while they run live, normally in view of the audience. In the last few decades, this practice has emerged as a dynamic creative discipline, gaining attention across cultural and technical fields—from music and the visual arts to computer science. In live coding the composition happens in real time, where performers can communicate via sound, visuals, robotic and human movements, or basically anything that can be controlled. In performance the code is often projected on a screen for the audience to follow. For more about live coding, see toplap.org.
This event follows the Berlin Code of Conduct - if you experience any issues, please contact a member of staff.
Attendees get 50% off RADAR gig tickets - only ISK 500! - to see DJ_Dave, Lil Data, c_robo, Ólöf Run & more! Participants also have the chance to perform a 5-10 minute set live on RADAR's incredible sound system! Full lineup & details HERE.
The International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC) 2024, hosted by NYU Shanghai, China from May 30th to June 1st, has inspired a series of Satellite Events worldwide. To celebrate, Afhverju Ekki is launching the Icelandic live coding scene by hosting free public workshops, in partnership with ICLC, Reykjavík City Library Music Makerspace, Intelligent Instruments Lab, Læti, and RASK.
Further information:
Karl James Pestka, Project Manager for Creative Technology
karl.james.pestka@reykjavik.is | 411 6122