The Sveigur Reading Circle

Each month, a book is chosen and read by the group, which is then discussed at the next meeting. Recent novels by both Icelandic and foreign authors are read as well as individual biographies.

The group’s first meeting in the fall is at the end of August, and we will discuss what we have read during the summer. The same is the case at the group’s meeting in late January, where we will discuss which books we enjoyed reading during the holidays.

The reading cycle does not meet in December, June, July and August.

You can register for the Reading Circle at any time of the year, provided it is not fully booked. The discussion are in Icelandic.

Meetings will take place 17:15-18:30 at Spöngin City Library, on the 2nd floor.

Here you can find suggestions for reading material for the summer, which will be discussed at our first mee-up in the fall.

Brot - konur sem þora by Dóra S. Bjarnason

Systraklukkur by Lars Mytting

Ekki gleyma mér - minningasaga by Kristín Jóhannsdóttir

Violeta by Isabel Allende

The reading circle is led by Ásta Halldóra Ólafsdóttir, a specialist at the Spöngin City Library. If you are interested in registering for the reading circle, please email

See HERE for information on all reading circles and chat groups at the City Library...

UpdatedMonday June 24th 2024, 14:14