The Hrútakofinn Reading Circle

A Reading Circle for men only
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The Sveigur Reading Circle

Do you love to read and discuss books?
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The Sólkringlan Reading Circle

Do you love to read and discuss literature?
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Reading Circle | All Kinds of Books

In the reading in Árbær we read good books that suits all
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Children's Culture Festival 2024

23rd - 28th of April. Program overview and book recommendations in the theme of the festival.
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Indian Culture in Focus three Saturdays in March

Lectures on indian yoga, AUM, Ayurveda and food at Grófin City Library
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Handicrafts & Book Chat

Do you love knitting or crocheting as well as reading and chatting about good books? Then these meetups are something for you. 
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Holiday Stories | age 0-8

Stories about the holidays for the youngest ones.
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Books gifted from the Ukrainian Association in Iceland

We are always expanding our titles in all languages.
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Book List | Anti-racist books for children

take those books and read them home!
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