Dægurflugur í hádeginu Helga Margrét Clarke syngur lög um og eftir konur
Information about the event
12:15 - 13:00
Íslenska English
Lunchtime Melodies | An Ode to Women – bout women, by women
Friday March 14th 2025
City Library Gerðuberg
Friday the 14th of March from 12:15-13:00
City Library Spöngin
Saturday the 15th of March from 13:15-14:00
The singer Helga Margrét Clarke, the pianist Jón Ingimundarson and double bassist Leifur Gunnarsson will play music about women and by women to celebrate The International Women's Day, March the 8th.
The day is a reminder across the world for equal rights and women's rights.
Singer and songwriter Helga Margrét Clarke combines elements of rhythmic and classical music in her work. Her performances are marked by heartfelt interpretations and deep emotional expression, drawing listeners into a powerful connection with her lyrics and melodies.
Lunchtime Melodies is a series of concerts at the library, where Leifur Gunnarsson, together with selected well-known musicians from the scene, will perform each time.
Free entry and everyone is welcome!
Further information:
Hólmfríður Ólafsdóttir Project manager
holmfridur.olafsdottir@reykjavik.is I 868 1851
Leifur Gunnarsson
leifurgunnarsson@gmail.com | 868 9048