Information about the event
FULLY BOOKED! Sögur (‘Stories’) | Music Composition
Location: Makerspace, 5th floor
This music workshop is a collaboration between the Reykjavik City Library and Sögur. In this workshop children will get the chance to make their own song with guidance by Ingvar Alfreðsson.
The workshop will take place on 3 Saturdays: 9th, 16th and 23rd of November. The workshop will be taught in small groups.
Group 1: 11:15am -12:15pm - Fully booked!
Group 2: 12:15pm -1:15pm - Fully booked!
Group 3: 1:15pm-2:15pm - Fully booked!
Course description:
- November 9th: The basics of music and text making
- November 16th: The children work on their music under the guidance of Ingvar
- November 23rd: The children put the finishing touches on their song and prepare it for submission in Sögur competition.
Ingvar is a freelance musician, pianist, arranger and author. He graduated from Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he completed his studies in "Contemporary Writing and Production" - which is a combination of arrangements, recording management and songwriting. He has appeared in many places as an instrumentalist, both on stage and on television, and is the conductor and arranger of the Fish Day concert in Dalvík, as well as other major concerts. He teaches recording management and interplay at Í MÍT and FÍH and also works as a co-actor in the singing department of Sigurðar Demetz's Singing School. He directs the children's and youth choirs of Vídalín Church and also the Jón Vídalín's Gospel Choir.
For further information:
Ingibjörg Ösp Óttarsdóttir, project manager for children and youth
ingibjorg.osp.ottarsdottir@reykjavik.is | 411-6146