Starfið á safninu

Followed the sound of music

Monica Xiao loves to play the piano for kids
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Naxos | Music & Video Streaming Service

The Library no longer offers its users access to the Naxos Music Library streaming service
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Gateway into Physics | Book List

What is the shape of our universe? And where does it end?
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Spöngin Children‘s Department

Children and families welcome!
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Sólheimar Children‘s Department

What Sólheimar has to offer our youngest guests.
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Kringlan Children‘s Department

Welcomes children of all ages!
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Grófin Children‘s Department

The Grófin library hosts a weekly playgroup every Thursday.
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Hin mörgu andlit safnsins

Bestu myndirnar úr Bókafésinu #bókafés
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Blómstrandi fjölmenningarstarf á Borgarbókasafninu

Menningarhús sem opnar dyrnar að samfélaginu.
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Barnadeildin í Sólheimum

Allt um aðstöðuna fyrir börn og fjölskyldur í Sólheimum.
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