Interview | "I wish I could own the Library"

"I'm a big book reader" says Katla, a fourth-grade student in Klébergsskóli. When asked what books she enjoys reading the most and whether she has a favorite book, she says it depends a lot on her mood at the time. Some days she finds adventure books the most enjoyable, other days superhero books, and still other days comic books are at the top of the list.

"I've read a lot by the author Ævar Þór and the entire series of Handbók fyrir ofurhetjur, (Handbook for Superheroes), but I didn't find the latest book, which is number 9, very enjoyable. I've also read a few of the Óvættaför books (Beast Quest) and I just finished reading Ég og Milla, allt í köku."

"You can almost say she's read half the library"

says Sandra Þórisdóttir, Katla's mother and teacher at Klébergsskóli.

According to herself Katla reads quite fast and enjoys being able to go to the library, either with friends during school hours or with her mom and siblings after school.

"Sometimes I bring along some thick books and then it takes me a bit longer to read them, maybe 2-3 weeks."

Easy to use self-service machines

Katla knows how to use the self-service machine at the library and can therefore help herself when it comes to borrowing and returning books.

"It's really easy and I'm super fast, I just run in, grab a few books I like and check them off. It often takes mom such a long time to choose a book that I don‘t bother waiting for her, I just run home and start reading."

For new users of the library, there is always a staff member on site to check out library items that people want to borrow, but is also more than willing to teach how to use the self-service machines.

Like her daughter, Sandra prefers to always  have a book on her bedside table.

"Last summer got into the Jenny Colgan‘s books, , something easy that you can laugh at, a little love drama although I still mostly read thrillers, for example by Swedish authors Mons Kallentoft and Vivecu Sten. I have also taken advantage of the service having books sent to Kléberg from the other City Libraries, but usually I can find here what I need."

Good accessibility increases interest

Sandra says that in her opinion it is extremely important for the people of Kjalanes to have their own library within the neighborhood.

"It's really important to have an easy access to books, specially new books puplished before Christmas, it sparks children's interest in reading. It's also much more exciting to go to the library than to always read the same books at home over and over again. I think, both as a parent and a teacher, it's great that the children can come to the library in Kléberg, wander around, look at the books and choose themselves what to read."

When asked if she would like to add anything, Katla has a clear answer,

"I wish I could own the library and make it even bigger!"


At the Kléberg City Library you can find numerous of novels in Icelandic, English and Polish, cookbooks, craft books and other exciting reading material. It is also easy to have books in various other languages, for children, young adults and adults, board games, music and dvds from other City Library‘s Branches sent to Klébergi. This is done on "my account" at, by calling one of the eight libraries or getting help from a staff member at the front desk.

The Kléberg City Library is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 2pm to 6pm.
You enter the building at the back of the school, up the rainbow path and to the left, the same entrance as Krílakot, after school centre.

Children under 18 years old get a free library card, but adults pay a low annual fee.

UppfærtFimmtudagur, 6. febrúar, 2025 16:20