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Reservoir evalutation of the Zhouliangzhuang geothermal field, Tianjin, China (Enska)

Li Jun (2003)
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Jarðhitaskóli Háskóla Sameinuðu þjóðanna
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The Zhouliangzhuang geothermal field is one of many geothermal fields in Tianjin, China. It is a conduction-dominated, low-temperature sedimentary system. At present, there is considerable interest in developing this geothermal resource further. The system is characterised by higher temperatures than most other fields in Tianjin, the highest temperature being more than 100°C. All geothermal wells drilled so far are artesian. Exploration of the field has been on-going since 2001. Assessment of the production potential of the system was carried out by using lumped parameter models as well as a simple numerical model. Similar hydro-geological conditions control the two models, such as no recharge, and according to predictions of the two models, the total allowable production of Zhouliangzhuang geothermal field is estimated to be about 7.8x106 m3/year, with water level in production wells’ above 150 m for 20 years. Reinjection will be essential to maintain reservoir pressure in order to enable sustainable utilization as well as to increase the production potential of the system.
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