Kynningarmynd Samskrifa

Um þennan viðburð

12:00 - 14:00
All language welcome
Spjall og umræður

Samskrifa | Open space for creative writing

Laugardagur 26. október 2024

Join us for a dedicated writing time!

The library offers an open space for writers of all kinds to get together and write next to each other. Anyone can drop in to work alongside others on a personal project.

It is a supportive space where we encourage each other to attend to our writing.

Samskrifa takes place on the last Saturday each month on the 5th floor in Grófin.

Event on Facebook

All writers are welcome.
No participation fee.

Information on Samskrifa:
Birgir Rypkema

Further information on open spaces for co-creation at the library: 
Dögg Sigmarsdóttir 
Project manager | Civic Participation