Friður í freyðibaði, Barnamenningarhátíð
Friður í freyðibaði, Barnamenningarhátíð

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Children's Culture Festival | Bubble Bath Tranquility

Þriðjudagur 18. apríl 2023 - Föstudagur 28. apríl 2023

Bubble Bath Tranquillity is a group exhibition by preschool children of Engjaborg, Fífuborg, Hulduheimar and Lyngheimar that was made for the Reykjavik Children's Culture Festival. The exhibition opens on the 18th of April at 10am and until the 28th of April. The works are based on an expedition around Grafarvogur where the children explored where they experienced peace in their environment, as well as what piqued their interest on the subject. The works are versatile since the children had freedom to explore their own interpretations and approaches.

On an expedition many things can be discovered. The sun shines upon a peace dove with a branch in its beak, that dwells serenely on a gravestone. To small eyes an icy slope appears as an iceberg that forms and melts under the repeated touch of curious hands. In the distance there is a tower that, during a certain season, lights up the horizon and delivers a message of peace. But one should always be able to find a sense of peace and tranquillity within, during a bubble bath for example.

Curator: Anna Andrea Winther

For further information:
Sigríður Stephensen,