Um þennan viðburð

11:30 - 13:30

Workshop | The stage is yours – stage presence and energy

Sunnudagur 17. nóvember 2024

Location: 5th floor

Please note: Registration is necessary, register on the link below

This course is aimed at those who have written their own poem or prose and want to explore fun ways to perform the work in front of an audience. The stage can be big and scary but, in this course, participants will receive lessons from an actor on how to get familiar with the stage, and how to use it to its fullest with a stage performance that is both confident and fun.  

 Everything about the  Poetry Slam of the Reykjavik City Library

Instructor: Steinunn Arinbjarnadóttir and Jón Magnús Arnarsson


Steinunn Arinbjarnardóttir graduated from the Iceland University of the Arts in 2019. After graduation, she has worked as an actress in the National Theatre of Iceland, independent theatre groups and now in the Reykjavík City Theatre.

She also works as a drama teacher at the City Theatre School and has taught drama in both primary and secondary schools.


Jón Magnús has been involved in Poetry Slam in Iceland from the very beginning. He first became interested in it in 2001 when witnessing Saul Williams, US champion of Poetry Slam, perform at Roskilde. Jón Magnús graduated from the theatre program at The Commedia School in 2013. He is one of the founders of the Golden Gang Comedy group, which has been running a weekly stand-up show in Reykjavík for five years. In 2017, Jón Magnús won the City Library’s Poetry Slam and subsequently participated internationally in prestigious competitions in that art form. His first play, Tvískinnungur, premiered at the Reykjavík City Theatre in November 2018. He also translated the dramatization of Romeo and Juliet, which was performed at the National Theatre in 2021. 


For further information contact:

Guðrún Elísa Ragnarsdóttir | specialist

gudrun.elisa.ragnarsdó | 411 6100