Hughrifsveggur Stofunnar

Um þennan viðburð

Á opnunartíma
English and Icelandic

Stofan | Wall of Inspiration

Föstudagur 21. júní 2024 - Sunnudagur 1. september 2024


What is it about certain places that makes us want to sit down, stay for a while and even start a conversation with a stranger?

Wall of Inspiration is a tribute to the creative collaborations within the experimental project Stofan | A Public Living Room during the years 2021-24. Stofan was a playful exploration in how we invision a community square in the future library.

The aim was to create a place where you can start a conversation, communicate beyond language and share the care for our community.  

In the exploration process we used all our senses to explore the surroundings, ideas and understandings of public spaces we would like to see in our society. We exchanged ideas about neutral spaces, comfort and spatial identity of a library – the connection between people, physical elements of places, and activities associated with them.  

Each version of Stofan was different. We danced, learned about our rights, racism and climate issues, shared food and culture, told personal stories, took a shower, cared for our senses, stayed silent, imagined new futures and re-charged our batteries.

Exhibition on Facebook
Listen - A few of the conversations that started in Stofan

A summary of each version of Stofan | A Public Living Room 

Further information
Dögg Sigmarsdóttir 
Project manager | Civic Participation