Um þennan viðburð
Exhibition | The History of the Apron
Ingibjörg H. Kristjánsdóttir exhibits aprons and their history.
Ingibjörg H. Kristjánsdóttir was born in Siglufjörður in 1946 and has lived in Árbær for almost 30 years. She is a kindergarten teacher and has been very interested in handicrafts since childhood.
Ingibjörg has been interested in aprons since she hand-sewed her first aprons in fifth grade of elementary school. Since then, she has made many aprons, both by hand and with the help of sewing machines. Ingibjörg’s interest goes beyond just making aprons, she has also studied the history of the apron. What is an apron and why was it originally created? One thing is certain, the apron is full of mysteries and is a more complicated phenomenon than most people would suspect. The history of the apron is intertwined with women's history and is often connected to superstition and various kinds of folk wisdom.
In this exhibition, a few aprons of the many Ingibjörg has made over time will be displayed along with information about them.
At only nine years old, Ingibjörg began studying handicrafts under the instruction of Ms. Arnfinna in Siglufjörður. She attended Gagnfræðiskóli Siglufjarðar and then continued her education at the Húsmæðraskóli in Laugaland, Eyjafjörður. In 1985 Ingibjörg graduated as a kindergarten teacher from Fóstruskóli Íslands and in 2000-2001, she studied textiles at Kennaraháskóli Íslands. Ingibjörg worked as a kindergarten director and kindergarten teacher for 28 years.
Further information:
Katrín Guðmundsdóttir, Library Manager
katrin.gudmundsdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6230