Um þennan viðburð

15:30 - 17:30
Fyrir öll

Fabrication | Candle Painting

Fimmtudagur 14. nóvember 2024

During the short winter days, it‘s so nice to light some candles and enjoy the cozyness and warm light they give off. Therefore it‘s the perfect time to come to Fabrication / Tilbúningur, have a cozy time together and paint some candles. We‘ll be painting small block candles and the "paint" we use is hot wax from colored burning tealights. We provide two colors of wax, green and red, in true advent fashion. 

This event is appropriate for people of most ages but children younger than 12 should be accompanied by an adult that can assist them. Additionally it‘s important to remember that we will be working with hot wax and there will be burning candles. We especially encourage adults to participate and allow themselves to be creative, regardless of "artistic talents".

Fabrication takes place at at the Reykjavík City Library in Árbær on the second Thursday of every month and at the Reykjavík City Library in Spöngin on the first Wednesday of every month.

Event on Facebook

Further information:
Agnes Jónsdóttir | Librarian | 411-6250
