Saturday January 25th
Sat Jan 25th

Healing World

Hvernig sköpum við heilandi heim?
Sat Jan 25th

Future Policing: Safety Without Force?

Hub for strategizing among researchers, activists, and community members, focusing on diversity
Sat Jan 25th

When We Dream of Tomorrow

Share your vision of the future—a collage of hope for a sustainable world.
Sat Jan 25th

Decolonised Dinner

We invite you to dinner and a documentary over our dining table.
Monday January 27th
Mon Jan 27th

Toddler Time in Grófin

A cozy time with the youngest ones.
Tuesday January 28th
Tue Jan 28th

Handicraft Time in Úlfarsárdalur

How about visiting us for a coffee with your handicrafts and meet other people?
Wednesday January 29th
Wed Jan 29th

Toddler Time in Gerðuberg | Memmm Play

Cozy family mornings with Memmm Playtime.
Thursday January 30th
Thu Jan 30th

Handicraft Time in Spöngin

Every Thursday from 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Saturday February 1st
Sat Feb 1st

Chat and explore in Icelandic | The Reyk­javík Mu­seum of Pho­to­graphy

Discover cool exhibitions while practicing your Icelandic!
Sat Feb 1st

Straw Weawing

Let‘s weave using straws and pipe cleaners!
Monday February 3rd
Mon Feb 3rd

Toddler Time in Grófin

A cozy time with the youngest ones.
Mon Feb 3rd

The Sewing Corner | Walk-in Assistance

Get sewing advice and learn how to master the sewing machines!
Tuesday February 4th
Tue Feb 4th

Handicraft Time in Úlfarsárdalur

How about visiting us for a coffee with your handicrafts and meet other people?
Tue Feb 4th


Storytime for the youngest ones.
Wednesday February 5th
Wed Feb 5th

Toddler Time in Gerðuberg | Memmm Play

Cozy family mornings with Memmm Playtime.
Thursday February 6th
Thu Feb 6th

Handicraft Time in Spöngin

Every Thursday from 1:30 pm - 2:pm
Saturday February 8th
Sat Feb 8th

Freeshop | Birdhouse

In this workshop we make small winter homes for the birds.
Sat Feb 8th

Chat and play in Icelandic

Games for all levels and experienced teachers to help anybody in need
Monday February 10th
Mon Feb 10th

Toddler Time in Grófin

A cozy time with the youngest ones.
Tuesday February 11th
Tue Feb 11th

Handicraft Time in Úlfarsárdalur

How about visiting us for a coffee with your handicrafts and meet other people?
