Saturday January 18th
Sat Jan 18th

Chat and read in Icelandic

A book club for people learning the language.
Sat Jan 18th

Chat and read in Icelandic

A book club for people learning the language.
Sunday January 19th
Sun Jan 19th

Lego Workshop

Challenge your imagination with Lego!
Monday January 20th
Mon Jan 20th

Toddler Time in Grófin

A cozy time with the youngest ones.
Mon Jan 20th

Free Access to the City´s Cultural Life

Open information meet-up on free cultural events and the access that Reykjavík Culture card grants.
Tuesday January 21st
Tue Jan 21st

Toddler Storytime

Let your child explore the wonders of a book.
Tue Jan 21st

Handicraft Time in Úlfarsárdalur

How about visiting us for a coffee with your handicrafts and meet other people?
Tue Jan 21st

Story time | Let's read the book Skrímslaveisla

What happens when the monsters are preparing a party but only famous guests are invited?
Wednesday January 22nd
Wed Jan 22nd

Toddler Time in Gerðuberg | Memmm Play

Cozy family mornings with Memmm Playtime.
Thursday January 23rd
Thu Jan 23rd

Handicraft Time in Spöngin

Every Thursday from 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Saturday January 25th
Sat Jan 25th

Future Festival

open space for collective dreaming and imagination
Sat Jan 25th

Future For All - Depending on What?

How can we shape an inclusive society?
Sat Jan 25th

Future Symbols - Collaborative Textile Artwork

Set your mark on a collaborative artwork composed of symbols of the future
Sat Jan 25th

New AI / Æ City

Show us what you hope to see in 2125
Sat Jan 25th

Becoming Ancestors

skapandi rými til að kanna hinar margvíslegu leiðir sem gjörðir okkar
Sat Jan 25th

Envisioning a Nordic Solarpunk Future

Shape a vision for positive future activism
Sat Jan 25th

Future Land of Flowers

If flowers had a voice, what would they say and where would they decide to grow?
Sat Jan 25th

The Community House - Build the Future Home

„alvöru leikur“ sem fjallar um hvernig mismunandi fólk getur deilt húsnæði til búsetu
Sat Jan 25th

AI Ethics: Who Will Possess Our Values?

Which values should we prioritize, and who has the final say in prioritizing them?
Sat Jan 25th

Stories in a Cup

En hvaða gildum ættum við að forgangsraða, og hver hefur völdin til að forgangsraða þeim?
