Reading Circle | BookMasters
Do you want to read fun and profound literary classics that have shaped civilization – and sound intelligent while discussing those works? Then this is the reading circle for you!
Bookmasters will meet in the downtown City Library every Wednesday from 5 pm – 6 pm from from March 26th until May 28th.
This reading circle is suited to both avid readers and to those who are not used to reading but are eager to start.
We will read and discuss classic works of fiction by Icelandic and foreign authors. Young people are especially welcome and the only condition for choosing a book is that it cannot be boring.
There is no need to sign-up, all you have to do is show up!
Our Reading Club on Facebook
See a list of all the City Library's reading circles and chat groups.
Further information:
Ísak Gabríel Regal, Librarian
isak.gabriel.regal@reykjavik.is | 411 6100