Repair Café | Grófin City Library

Welcome to Repair Café, a monthly event where you can get help from volunteers and fellow participants to fix everyday items. Together, we can reduce waste and keep things in use for longer.  

Drop in, fix stuff, make friends!


How does it work?  

Bring things from home that need to be fixed, and we will do our best to fix them, together

Come with your old clothes, electronics, a cracked cup, a leaky air mattress, anything you want to help revive, and enjoy free repairs, coffee and good company. We can't wait to see you!  



Upcoming Repair Cafés at Grófin City Library


All are welcome!

Repair Café is organized by Hringrásarsetur Íslands and Munasafn RVK Tool Library.

Further information:

Karl James Pestka, Project Manager - Makerspace

Anna C W de Matos, Head of Hringrásarsetur Íslands