Meeting room, studio and media space Úlfarsárdalur

Cosy and easy to use

Skemman | Podcast Studio and Media

Skemman is a fully equipped podcast and media studio in Úlfarsárdalur City Library.

Users can book the space and its equipment to create recordings free of charge. Skemman offers a phone tripod, a green screen and LED studio lighting.

  • Skemman is open from 10am to 6pm every weekday
  • Users are free to book at most 4 hours at a time, up to 2 times each week
  • Booking is free to users with a valid library card with the Reykjavík City Library

(If you are unsure if your library card is valid, try logging into your account using the button at the top of this website. If your card has expired, you will be offered a chance to renew.)

Podcast Studio | Technical Info

The studio has space for three participants, with a microphone for each one. The recording device can be connected to a phone or other smart device to allow recording of audio from those devices. User can also connect a computer via USB-C to the recording device to add external sounds.

The podcast studio contains:

  • A RØDECaster Pro II recordind device
  • 3 Shure SM58 microphones
  • 3 sets of headphones


Úlfarsárdalur Recording Studio

Úlfarsárdalur City Library also offers a recording studio for those looking to record music. The recording studio as all the necessary equipment for post-production of audio recordings.

Smiðjan | Meeting and workshop space

Our workshop Smiðjan is a place for smaller courses, workshops and educational events, but may also be booked by library users for private meetings or study groups. Smiðjan has a sink and a large screen, and can be opened up to the lobby or Skemman next door for more room.

For more information:
Þorgrímur Þorsteinsson

Book the Podcast Studio / Media Space