Information about the event
16:00 - 17:00
Past Events
Drop-in Workshop | Editing a video - the basics in Final Cut Pro
Monday May 13th 2024
Open drop-in workshops will be held in the Music & Visual Media Studio in Grófin.
Each session we will focus on a certain technical aspect, related to video-, music or sound editing.
After the workshop staff will be available to assist with whatever until 6pm.
All schedule will be as follow:
April 29th | Designing for 3D printing
May 6th | Making a beat inn propellerhead figure
May 13th | Editing a video - the basics in Final Cut Pro
May 27th | Making a beat in Logic Pro
Further information:
Valgeir Gestsson, Specialist - Music Department
valgeir.gestsson@reykjavik.is | 411 6100