Smásmiðja - Stafræn hreinsun

Information about the event

16:45 - 18:00
Past Events

Drop-in Workshop | Digital Declutter

Tuesday March 5th 2024

Have you tried rebooting? 

  • Enjoy a fresh start with a digital declutter
  • Deeper Conversations: No more sneaky phone glances.
  • Unplugged Fun: Enjoy leisure time without the need to document every moment.
  • Stay Informed, Not Overwhelmed: Navigate news minus the anxiety.
  • No More FOMO: Lose the constant fear of missing out

Who's This Workshop For? 

Those who want to:

  • Use apps without being controlled by them.
  • Align technology usage with their deep values and goals.
  • Find a better solution than just turning off notifications or keeping the phone out of the bedroom.

How It Works 

  • Take a 30-Day Break: Disconnect from self-defined "optional" technologies.
  • Rediscover satisfying offline experiences.
  • After 30 days, reintroduce technologies that align with your values.

Declutter seamlessly without disrupting your professional or personal life. Step-by-step demonstration on Android or iPhone.

What to Bring: Your smartphone or tablet for setup assistance (optional).

Further information:

Karl James Pestka, Project Manager