Opið samtal um lífsgæði

Um þennan viðburð

17:00 - 18:00
Íslenska, enska, pólska
Spjall og umræður

Opið samtal | Quality of Life for Immigrants / Jakość życia na Islandii

Þriðjudagur 17. september 2024

Vífill Karlsson researches the quality of life in Iceland and tells us about the main results of his research. How is the quality of life in the minds of immigrants in Iceland and how is it compared to perception of Icelandic residents who took part in the survey conducted in 2020? In the open conversation we discuss the factors we consider important to have a good life.   

Personal goals and happiness in daily life and work are diverse, just like our ideas for a better life. Access to food and secure housing count as basic needs. Feeling you belong to society and opportunities to participate in social life are also of relevance. But how do we make such connections? Where are the opportunities to improve our quality of life in a new place? Could the library support us in achieving a better quality of life?  

The conversation will take place in Icelandic, English and Polish with the help of translators.   

Event on Facebook

All welcome and participation is free.   

What is Opið samtal?  
An open conversation platfrom at Reykjavík City Library is a neutral platform where the gap between individuals, organizations and institutions is bridged. Opið samtal aims to discuss burning issues on a peer-to-peer basis, with the aim of finding the solutions collectively, figure out who to approach an issue with  and for different views to be heard.  

Further information:
Dögg Sigmarsdóttir 
Project manager | Civic Participation 