Pillow Talk Installation | A Book List
We put together a book list inspired by the art installation Pillow Talk Reload by Sonja Kovačević that opened in the Reykjavik City Library Grófin on June 12th.
Pillow Talk Reload by Sonja Kovačević is an immersive artwork installation that provides insight into the lives of asylum seekers and refugees in Iceland.
The setup is simple: emergency beds, that serve as beds for asylum seekers, are equipped with speakers and they are broadcasting an array of stories.
The audience is invited to lie down and listen. The stories have been carefully edited to give an insight into the life of the person portrayed and are looking to find new ways of engaging with the ‘story of a refugee’.
Pillow Talk was shown at the Reykjavík Arts Festival in 2018. The piece has been adapted for the Reykjavik City Library and is accompanied by a workshop to spark discussion on this topic that is now as relevant than ever. Sonja lead a workshop about intercultural sensitivities in English and Icelandic on June 12th.
Sonja Kovačević is an Austrian theatre maker based in Iceland. An interest in exploring current topics and creating a theatre that bridges the gap between theory and practice lace her projects. This often leads to works with marginalized groups in society.