Information about the event
Museum Night| Poetry Slam
Welcome to Grófin City Library on Museum Night 2024
Program from 6 pm - 10:00 pm
8 pm Poetry Slam | The stage is yours!
Original works performed by talented poets and performers
The final of the Poetry Slams is announced. The winner re-performs their act.
In Poetry Slam, an original poem is performed, where the emphasis is both on the performance as well as the poem itself. A traditional reading of a poem is therefore not considered poetry slam, since the focus is all on actually performing the poem on stage.
Jury members: Steinunn Jónsdóttir (from Reykjavíkurdætur), Jón Magnús Arnarsson (winner of the Poetry Slam 2017) and Örvar Smárason (writer and member of the bands FM Belfast and MÚM).
For furher information:
Guðrún Elísa Ragnarsdóttir, specialist | 411 6100