Manifestations of Disabilities in Pop Culture
A place to be heard
The ÖBÍ - Icelandic Disability Alliance raised awareness of negative stereotypes associated with disabilities and the effect they have on peoples lives.
Users of the library were asked to share examples of the manifestations of disability in pop culture, either on location or in an online form. They could name films, TV shows, books, lyrics or other examples featuring a protagonist with disabilities. People were also asked to share how it made them feel. Did they see a role model or mainly a portrait of someone seen as "abnormal"? Clips from movies and posters filled the space to raise awareness of stereotypical ideas on disabilities and how they affect everyday lives of disabled persons. The space closed with an open mic where the youth movement of ÖBÍ started with sharing their examples with an open and critical discussion on how pop culture could dismantle negative stereotypes. The head of the youth movement Eiður Welding opened the exhibtition space on the 14th of May 2024. The space closed with an open mic on the 22nd of May where members of the youth movement of ÖBÍ started with sharing their examples with an open and critical discussion on how pop culture could dismantle negative stereotypes. Kjartan Þór Ingason, project manager at ÖBÍ, shared the idea and design of the space at an Icelandic radio program Samfélagið 23rd of May in Icelandic: Samfélagið - Birtingarmyndir fötlunar
This temporary space is a part of the project Stofan | Public Living Room. It is an experimental project where the library works with different partners on placemaking at the library. This is a process where we temporarily transform a space into a place for meaningful interactions. The theme of Stofan 2023-2024 is Share the Care.
Further information
Dögg Sigmarsdóttir
Project manager | Civic Participation