AFF BIDD DÖFF - fræðslurými

AFF BIDD DÖFF | Rights and Culture of Deaf Community

A place to raise awareness

For deaf people, a supportive environment and community is a society where everyone can speak sign language or where there is good access to sign language interpreters, paid for by the government. Interpreters are not only for deaf people to have access to the community, but also for the listener to understand deaf speaking people and to be able to communicate with deaf people. It is important to have good light in the space and to have it set up so that people can easily see each other to communicate. 

Ástbjörg Rut Jónsdóttir and Hjördís Anna Haraldsdóttir from the O.N. Performing Arts Group opened a temporary info and entertainment space about the gems of deaf culture and Icelandic sign language. In the temporary space, you could relax on the pile of pillows, read a book or watch video related to the history of the deaf community and culture in Iceland, which most people probably hadn’t seen before. A box for new ideas was placed in the space, where people could share thoughts and ideas about the status of deaf culture and sign language in our society. The space was open from April 16th –21st 2024 and it closed with an open stage, where the box of ideas was opened, and ideas shared in sign language on:  cultural material for deaf people; ideas for what could be done better in society for deaf communities; stories of their own prejudices, misconceptions etc.; as well as what users learned from the educational space. 

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The space was a part of the project Stofan - A Public Living Room, where different individuals or groups temporarily transform a space into a place for meaningful interactions to Share the Care

Further information: 
Dögg Sigmarsdóttir 
Project Manager | Civic participation

UpdatedThursday June 6th 2024, 11:22