This is a project on visual vernacular storytelling, one part of sign language literature, at the library. Sign language literature is created with the hands, body movement and facial expressions of the performer, and received through the eyes of the audience. Sign language literature only exists when performed or recorded on video. In cooperation with Ós Pressan we create space for sign language literature. At the library visual vernacular storytelling is placed within Icelandic cultural community, both to be developed and performed in a visual manner.
Creative Workshops
Members of the deaf community in Reykjavík will be invited to participate in creative workshops where they will learn the methods of visual vernacular storytelling and how to make use of it when developing Icelandic sign language literature. One workshop will be open to people that are familiar with the Icelandic Sign Language. Two workshops take place in May 2022.
The results of the project are presented at the library that provides a platform for discussion on the inclusion of sign language literature into Icelandic literary heritage.
The project is supported by Bókasafnasjóður.
Further information
Dögg Sigmarsdóttir
Verkefnastjóri | Borgaraleg þátttaka