Information about the event
16:30 - 18:00
Young people
English Íslenska
Young people
Club| For all Anime fans
Thursday February 6th 2025
This club is for all anime fans of the age og 13-16.
We meet on the fifth floor!
The club will meet every Thursday in Grófin at 16:30-18:00 and all anime fans ages 13-16 are welcome!
In addition to anime viewing parties, we will have all kinds of cool stuff like badge making, drawing or just talking about our favorite anime characters.
The club's instructors are from the City Library and we make a special effort to welcome everyone and our motto is that there is no room for prejudice.
There is no entrance fee and for registration please send: Name, email and phone number to holmfridur.olafsdottir@reykjavik.is
Further info:
Hólmfríður Ólafsdóttir, Project manager