Interview | Reykjavík City Library’s 2024 Christmas Song
The results of the City Library's 2024 Christmas Song Contest were announced at a ceremony at the City Library in Úlfarsárdal on Monday, December 9th. The jury consisted of Andrés Þór Þorvarðarson, a musician and janitor at the City Library in Grófin, Sigríður Stephensen, a specialist at the City Library in Spöngin and former cultural program host on Rás 1, and last but not least Hildur Kristín Stefánsdóttir, chairwoman of the jury. She has made a name for herself as a songwriter and producer for her own music and for other artists.
Witty lyrics made their mark on the songs submitted to this year's competition. The lyrics covered everything from having no friends at Christmas and therefore not having to buy any christmas presents to spending all of your money on things other than a christmas present for your girlfriend. The songs themselves were of various kinds, but it was the unanimous opinion of the jury that one song stood out.
The jury's review says: "The winning song featured a fun approach to a well-known Icelandic Christmas story and a multi-faceted character who has either scared or delighted Icelanders for years. The text is witty and has good references to Icelandic Christmas. Both the arrangement and instrumentation are nice and suit the song well. The chorus also provides a fun twist. The song has many catchy parts that are easy to sing along to."
The jury was unanimous in its decision that the winner of the City Library's Christmas Song Contest 2024 was the song: "Ég er jólakötturinn” (e. “I am the Yule cat”).
The songwriters
The authors of the song are cousins Gummi Grétar, a musician, and Ingi Hrafn, an actor and director. When Ingi Hrafn was called to inform him of the results, he was full of joy. Unfortunately, he still could not attend the award ceremony in Úlfarsárdalur, as he was in the maternity ward with his wife. Ingi Hrafn's older sons therefore accepted the award on behalf of their father, together with Gummi Grétar who announced that his cousin and wife had a baby just a few hours before the ceremony. We wish Ingi Hrafn and his wife the best of luck with the newest family member.
Cousins Ingi Hrafn and Gummi Grétar at the stairs in Úlfarsárdalur
Gummi Grétar, one of the songwriters, Hildur Kristín, chairwoman of the jury and Ingi Hrafn's sons, Birkir Freyr 5 years old and Emil Hrafn 8 years old
How did the song come about?
I (Ingi Hrafn) have been showing a children's play where the Yule cat is the narrator as well as the main character. In the piece, I try to show the Yule cat in a more child-friendly way than before. For example, no one is eaten by the Yule cat, but instead they do even more pranks. In the song, I wanted to show my version of how it came about that the Yule cat moved to Grýla’s cave.
Have you written a christmas song before?
Gummi Grétar has written a lot of great songs and he is just getting started in that field. It was a great honor for me to have him join me. I know that he will go far in the future and impress the nation. We haven't been active in the christmas song scene, but this is the second christmas song we've written together.
Do you plan to write more songs in the future?
The third christmas song is in the works and the dream is to release a christmas album before Christmas next year.
In the text that accompanied the song when it was submitted to the competition, Ingi Hrafn claims to be the Yule cat's agent? Are you going to do something more with the Yule cat? Are there any projects on the agenda?
I take the Yule cat into kindergartens and primary schools and perform the monologue: ,,Jólakötturinn og dularfulla kistan”. (e. "The Yule cat and the mysterious chest"). The piece tells a story where the Yule cat plays a prank in Grýla’s cave, with the result that everyone in the cave loses their christmas spirit. Now the Yule cat has to improve his ways, and with the help of the children he finds a way to bring the true Christmas spirit back to Grýla’s cave.
Now it's just a matter of sitting down with my cousin Gummi Grétar and writing even more songs. Hopefully, the Yule cat will be able to organize a christmas concert/play next Christmas, and who knows if we will be able to use the facilities in the City Library for that event.
The song was recorded in the studio in the City Library in Úlfarsárdalur. How did you like the facilities there? Did you know about this possibility before you decided to participate in the Christmas song contest?
I myself live in Grafarholt with my family and I use the facilities in Úlfarsárdalur a lot. The children practice sports with Fram, we go to Dalslaug swimming pool a lot, and it's always nice to sit down and read books in the library after a swim. I knew beforehand that the City Library in Úlfarsárdalur offers a fully equipped recording studio, so when Gummi and I wrote the song I thought it was exciting to try using the facilities there. It is ideal for people like me who are taking their first steps in recording.
The recording of the song went beyond expectations, and the recording engineer, Haraldur Ernir, was excellent throughout the process.
How did you hear about the Christmas song contest?
It was during one of the family's many swimming trips, strolling around the library in Úlfarsárdalur, that we caught sight of the ad about the contest. We thought it was ideal to submit the song, especially because it was "born" within the walls of the City Library.
Where can you listen to the City Library's 2024 Christmas song?
You can listen to the song on Spotify under the name “Jólakötturinn” or “Ég er Jólakötturinn”.
More information about the Yule cat can be found here:
The Yule cat's website: www.jolakotturinn.is
The Yule cat's Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Leikrit
The Yule cat’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/jolakotturinn.is/
Ég er Jólakötturinn
Einn á götunni í þorpinu
Var ég kötturinn sem lifði í harkinu
Átti ekkert dót
Engan samastað
Þó ég hafi leitað allstaðar.
Ég blautur var og í burtu gekk
Eftir að engan mat ég fékk
Fólkið vildi ekkert með mig hafa
Á hraðri leið ég var til grafar.
Upp við grenitré hann lá
Og kaldur inn við bein
Stórar krumlur tóku hann
Honum hlýnaði um leið.
Ooo... Hann er Jólakötturinn.
Ooo... Hann er Jólakötturinn.
Í slyddu og snjó
Ég átti enga skó
Mig skorti allan kjark sem í mér bjó
Hvað varð um mig
Í stormi og byl
Það gleymdu allir að ég væri til
En ég var týndi kötturinn.
Inn í hellinn kom, allir á mig störðu
Ég reyndi að flýja, en þar stóð vörður
Hún var stór og ljót
Og hún heitir Grýla
Og lyktaði eins og pissufýla
Hún starði á mig væmnum augum
Sem glönsuðu yfir svörtum baugum
Ást og faðmlag frá henni þáði
Þá var ég orðinn hennar snáði
Þrettán kátir jólasveinar
Ég er einn af þeim
Grýla sífellt kvartar, kveinar
En hann er kominn heim.
Ooo... Hann er Jólakötturinn.
Ooo... Hann er Jólakötturinn.
Í slyddu og snjó, ég átti enga skó
En nú á ég kattarbæli og mömmuskjól
Fæ nóg af mat
Ét á mig gat og passa varla í buxurnar
En það eru að koma jól.
Í borginni eru jólaljós
Grænar, gular baunir í dós.
Snjórinn fallinn og hátíð í bæ
Allt er breytt með öðrum blæ
Ég finn til föt fyrir jólasveina
Þá geta þeir hætt að kvarta og kveina
Rauður jakki og rauðar buxur
Þetta og fleira til að hugsa um.
Hérna ég ræð og engin annar
Nema kannski Grýla mamma
Ég er sá sem kann að siða alla til
Í hellinum geri ég það sem ég vil.
Þegar ég segi jóla, segið þið köttur!
Jóla - köttur!
Jóla - köttur!
Þegar ég segi jóla, segið þið köttur!
Jóla - köttur!
Jóla - köttur!
Ég dýrka jólin
Það er besti tíminn
Ef þau koma aftur
Hringið aftur í mig!
Ooo... Hann er Jólakötturinn.
Ooo... Hann er Jólakötturinn.
Ooo... Hann er Jólakötturinn.
Ooo... Hann er Jólakötturinn.
Songwriter: Guðmundur Grétar Magnússon
Lyrics: Ingi Hrafn Hilmarsson and Guðmundur Grétar Magnússon
Vocals: Ingi Hrafn Hilmarsson
Guitar: Guðmundur Grétar Magnússon
Drums: Gunnar Örn Arnarson
Bass: Gunnar Sigfús Björnsson
Recording Engineer: Haraldur Ernir Haraldsson
Mixing: Ernir Þór Valsson
Producer: Ingi Hrafn Hilmarsson
The Yule Lads choir:
Tryggvi Rafnsson
Magnús Theodórsson
Eiríkur Orri Agnarsson
Sveinbjörn Skúli Óðinsson
Orri Már Arnarson
Kristófer Páll Sigurðsson