Drop-in Workshops at Grófin

Free drop-in workshops are held regularly at the Music and Multimedia Makerspace  on the 5th floor of the City Library in Grófin (downtown).

These workshops are ideal for anyone looking for a quick introduction or a refresher on professional video, music, and audio production software.

Each session covers specific technical skills or software related to STEAM and creative technology, such as:

Drop-in workshops take place every other Monday from 16:30 – 17:30. After the session, staff will be available on-site for additional assistance until 18:00.

Participation is free of charge, and no registration is required.

The workshops are open to everyone ages 13 and older.

Drop-in Workshops – Spring 2025 Schedule:

Further information:
Valgeir Gestsson, Specialist – Music Department
valgeir.gestsson@reykjavik.is | 411 6100