Unnur Lilja Aradóttir og Stefán Máni Sigþórsson
Unnur Lilja og Stefán Máni

Information about the event

16:30 - 17:30

The Icelandic Crime Wave | Literary Café with Stefán Máni and Unnur Lilja

Monday October 21st 2024

The writers Stefán Máni Sigþórsson and Unnur Lilja Aradóttir are well known to crime fiction fans in Iceland.

In the Literary Café they will read from and talk about their books.

Stefán Máni's books have been very popular throughout the years. The policeman Hörður Grímsson has been a favorite among readers since the first book about Hörður, Hyldýpi (2009), was published. Stefán’s books are now around thirty. His first book, Door in the Black Mountains, was published in 1996, and his most recent book is, City of the Dead (2023).

Stefán Máni Sigþórsson was born in Reykjavík in 1970 but grew up in Ólafsvík. He now lives and works in Reykjavík. Stefán has received Blóðdropinn (The Blood Drop) crime fiction award of the Icelandic Crime Syndicate three times. First for Skipið (2007), then Húsið (2012) and finally for Grimmd (2013). His books have also received nominations for the Blood Drop, the Glass Key, and the Icelandic Literature Prize. The book Svartur á leik (2012) was filmed under the direction of Óskar Thor Axelsson. Stefán Máni's books have been translated into many other languages.

Unnur Lilja Aradóttir burst into the crime fiction scene with her book Höggið, which was published in 2021. For Höggið, she won the crime fiction award Svartfuglinn, a special award for authors who are taking their first steps in the writing field. The thriller, Utangarðs, by Unnur was published in 2023.

Unnur Lilja's writing deals with ordinary people who find themselves in difficult situations and various social issues, such as poverty and other issues that can occur in smaller communities. Unnur Lilja was born in 1981 and lives in Álftanes. Along with writing, she works as a paramedic.

This event is a part of the program The Icelandic Crime Wave (Glæpafár á Íslandi) held on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Icelandic Crime Syndicate

All welcome, free entry.

The Icelandic Crime Wave is funded by Rannís Library Fund.


The event on Facebook.


Further information:

Katrín Guðmundsdóttir, deildarstjóri
katrin.gudmundsdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6250

