Kléberg City Library | The community in Kjalarnes was obviously ready for a good library
“I thought it would be quiet in June so I was surprised by how busy it was. The community in Kjalarnes was obviously ready for a good library.”
says Elva Dís Hekla Stefánsdóttir, librarian at the Kléberg City Library in Kjalarnes. The library, which opened in May, is the eight library of the City Library, but it also serves as a school library at Klébergsschool.
“The children were so excited this spring and kept aksing when the library would open.”
Wide selection of books
Alhough the library in Kléberg is not big, it has a very pleasant atmosphere and is ideal for groups to meet, e.g. reading groups or handycraft groups. You are also welcome to sit down at one of the tables to do your homework or grab a book from the shelf and curl up on the sofa. The collection contains a wide selection of books in Icelandic and English, numerous children's book titles and a good collection of youth books, as well as novels, biographies and non-fiction books.
“I can also order books from the other City Libraries if I don't have something people are looking for, they will then arrive the following Monday. Books can also be sent from the libraries in Mosfellsbær and Seltjarnarnes. We are as well working on expanding the selection of books in Russian and Polish, there is a big community here in Kjalarnes that speaks these languages.”
But is Elva Dís herself much for reading?
“Yes, I always like to have a book close at hand. I'm mostly into the crime stories, the Sweedish Camilla Läckberg and Icelandic Óskar Guðmundsson are authors I really like.”
The library in Kléberg is open on Mondays and Thursdays at 2pm - 6pm. The entrance is in the back of Klébergsschool, closer to the ocean.
Children under 18 get a free library card - adults get a library card for 2.900 krónur per year.