Information about the event
City Library's 100th anniversary | Orientation Game on the Storylane
Something strange has happened in Sólheimar City Library. On the occasion of the 100th year anniversary some of our protagonists have moved in between the shelves. It’s almost like they have moved out of their books and into the shelves. They are barely visible, but they have settled in nicely in their little houses, in the woods or just in front of their homes.
I’m sure you will find them all, just look closely. There are 10 places, marked with a number, as the houses we live in ourselves.
By each house you will find a flashlight and a magnifier you might find useful. You will get the answers but you need to find the questions yourself. They might be in, on or outside the houses or even in the woods.
Choose one of the three possible answers by drawing a line under it and return it to the transparent box in the reception.
Click here to take a look at the 100th anniversary program at Sólheimar City Library.
Further information:
Sigrún Jóna Kristjánsdóttir, barnabókavörður | 411 6160