Information about the event
City Library's 100th anniversary | Kringlan
Everyone is welcome to The Reykjavík City Library Kringlan to celebrate the Library's 100th Anniversary! We have an exciting program for all ages, including a literary walk, storytime, crafts, an orientation game and last but not least coffee, juice and of course birthday cupcakes for everyone who wants to celebrate with us.
Ongoing 12:00-17:00:
- Preschool children send birthday greetings to the Library
- Selfie station
- Crafts
- Orientation game - search for different characters
- Listen to theater plays - read from a vinyl record
14:00 – 15:30
Birthday Literary Walk around Kringlan's neighbourhood with the authors Kristín Steinsdóttir and Dagur Hjartarson.
Guttormur Þorsteinsson will be the tour guide on behalf of the library.
Storytime with the author Eva Rún Þorgeirsdóttir
Eva Rún has written the books on Stúfur the santa claus and the books on Lukka. She will read for children in the library.
Coffee, juice and birthday cupcakes
For more information:
Guðríður Sigurbjörnsdóttir, Library Manager | 411 6200