Open Call for playwrights
LÓKAL, international theatre festival calls for playwrights, who have a script in progress, to come and take part of this year's festival.
In collaboration with Reykjavík UNESCO City of Literature and Reykjavík City Library, the festival holds a playwrighting-workshop, where participants work on their scripts, with guidance from instructors, and perform a part of their work at the festival.
The workshop's instructors will be writers Kristín Eiríksdóttir and Friðgeir Einarsson, both of whom have great experience of writing for theatre. The 2 week long workshop (4 lessons) will start in the middle of November. The final event will be part of Lókal's programme 2021.
Please apply with e-mail to evarun@lokal.is
and attatch with the letter of intent, a CV and a sample of the script in process.
Deadline: November 5th.
Further information:
Eva Rún Snorradóttir, artistic director, evarun@lokal.is