A New Library in Grófin | Workshops and Interview with the Design Team

Workshops with users, staff and beneficiaries

In March 2023, the design team behind the winning proposal for the new and transformed Grófarhús held eight consultation workshops with staff, library users and stakeholders, where the proposal was reviewed and a creative dialogue and feedback took place. The discussion and feedback that took place gave the architects a deeper understanding of what expectations the new library needs to meet, from the perspective of library users and staff. The team will show the results of these workshops during Design March, where citizens will have the opportunity to observe and influence this exciting project. You can view the winning proposal here on the website of the Design Centre.

The workshops were organized and led by Guðrún Lilja Gunnlaugsdóttir, head of innovation at the library and Barbara Guðnadóttir, the director of the City Library in Grófin, in collaboration with the design team, which consists of JVST architects, Inside Outside, Kreativa Interior Design and a library specialist from Hanrath Architects. 

A chat with the design team

The outcome of the workshops was a wonderful surprise

We were curious to hear what the design team had to say about this unusual approach, to work so closely with the users and the staff. We had a quick chat after the workshops. 

Was the process of the design competition and the demands similars to other projects you have been involved with?

What was the aim of the workshops?

We wanted to get as many perspectives as possible. The people who attended the workshops made a big effort to understand the drawings/plans from all kinds of diffrent angles and gave us such valuable feedback. As a result we the team have a much deeper understanding of who we are building this library for and how it will be used. The staff of the library are very creative and ambitios, it is clear that their heart is within in the library. In this early stage it is also important that the public and members of staff feel they are a part of the process and get some ownership over the building.

The design team enjoying nature

Would you say that the workshops have added value to the design process?

We are going into the next stage of the designing process with a much better understanding of what kind of place the Reykjavik City Library is and what kind of place it can become. The work that is already happening there is very impressive and the ideology is very clear and strong. All we need is more space!

What makes you excited about the building? Why is it important?

It is a roofed public space, a building that starts on the street and reaches all the way to the roof. A building that is accessable to all, you don´t come here to consume anything or to buy anything – you can just be here and get inspired. We are very excited about the „spiralling Vitavegur“ that runs through all the floors and leads the guests all the way to the top. We think this is a consept that will really work and we have the oportunity to accommodate all the things we learned from the workshops into the consept of Vitavegur. What you find on the way is a treat!

The building as it is today is a very known building, so this transformation is a very special project in peoples minds. There is a lot of excitement about the outcome.

What are the next steps?

Now we will review the whole plan, based on the results from the workshops. Then we will find an exciting way to present the latest plan to the public on Hönnunarmars. There will be an exhibition in the unused side building attached to Grófarhús, a building that will become a part of the new library. We will give a taste of what is to come – a sneak preview into the future.


Further info about the new library in Grófin:

Guðrún Lilja Gunnlaugsdóttir, deildarstjóri nýsköpunar
