Information about the event
New AI / Æ City
You are AI or Æ as we call you. You are going to draw a picture of the future city. This is Reykjavík 2125, and it's better. It's more of what you love, it's more of what you think is magical and funny. It's more of what you dream of. The machine sends you a message and you create an image back. In this philosophical drawing exercise, you become a part of a new AI machine that will show us what we hope to see in 2125. Show us your dream surroundings: the people, our means of transportation, the sidewalks and street art, public swimming pools, fashion...
It is going to be AI-mazing to have you! All welcome, no participation fee.
This event is a part of the Future Festival of Reykjavík City Library. See the full program of the Future Festival HERE.
Further information:
Studio Myndarsögur / Comics
Frekari upplýsingar veitir:
Myndarsögur - Félag