Achola Otieno kynnir Stofuna

Information about the event

17:00 - 19:00
Past Events

Beyond Melanin - Achola opens Stofan | A Public Living Room

Tuesday March 29th 2022

Achola Otieno curates the March edition of Stofan in Grófin. She opens her Stofan with a conversation.

Drawing from my experience as an immigrant living in Iceland, coupled with my expertise in human rights, I am fascinated by Iceland being hailed as the best place in the world to be a woman. My interest lies in analysing policies, their significance and their purpose in building inclusive communities.

Achola´s Stofan is located on the 5th floor.

Event on Facebook
All welcome to join the conversation.
Interview with Achola on her Stofan

Stofan | A Public Living Room
Stofan is a temporary social space created by different users, who each month show us how they would like to use the library if it were their own public living room. More here

Further information
Dögg Sigmarsdóttir
Project manager | Civic Participation