Blóma auka gæði andrúmsloftsins
Information about the event
13:00 - 15:00
Past Events
Plant Swap
Sunday September 8th 2024
All plant lovers are welcome to the library with plants and cuttings to exchange with other.
Inside there will be space for the indoor plants and on the balcony you can have garden plants. You can also bring pots and other things that belong to the cultivation to swap.
Plant enthusiasts are encouraged to come and make a good exchange. Those who have nothing to exchange are also welcome, you never know if it will be possible to get a plant or cuttings without giving in return.
This is a perfect opportunity for those who have extra, to share with others.
It is also nice to be able to chat with others about this interesting hobby.
Further information:
Katrín Guðmundsdóttir
katrin.gudmundsdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6250 / 892 0326