Information about the event
Evening Walk | The Trail of Fantasy Literature
Alexander Dan Vilhjálmsson and Hildur Knútsdóttir are known Icelandic fantasy writers. Their stories take place in Iceland - and Reykjavik - but many things are different from the real world as we know it. They will show us the places downtown that have inspired them to write about a different kind of world.
Evening walks are a series of events organised by Reykjavík City Library, Reykjavík City Museum, Reykjavík Art Museum and Reykjavik, Unesco City of Literature. The walks take place on Thursday evenings from 8 pm - 8:30 pm during the summer. This walk will start in front of the Reykjavik City Library Grófin (downtown), Tryggvagata 15.
Further information:
Guðrún Dís Jónatansdóttir, Head of Communication
gudrun.dis.jonatansdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6115