Information about the event
Concert | The World of Jon Cohen Experimental
Let's dive into the world of one-man band Jon Cohen Experimental!
Fantasy Prom King, master crafter of cult-pop gems and multi-threat instrumentalist Jon Cohen Experimental creates sweet but potent stories that spring from curiosity. This dynamic one-man band's beguiling art rock inventions and melodic hooks promise a sultry escape from those pesky workaday hang-ups.
At times folksy, indie and at times grungy, the E.L.O vs. 90’s vibe is raw and unapologetic.
This afternoon concert at Grófin City Library is the last one in Jon Cohen's Iceland tour happening from 4th - 9th of November. More here.
Website of Jon Cohen Experimental
Jon Cohen Experimental on Youtube
Further information:
Valgeir Gestsson, Library Music Specialist | 411 6100