Information about the event
Toddler Time at Kringlan library
We warmly welcome parents/carers with young children to Toddler Time, to chat and play together. Toddler Time is a good opportunity to meet other adults with young ones to share stories and experience. The program is aimed at parents with children up to 3 years old, but everyone is welcome.
At the library there are plenty of interesting and educational books and magazines about children and parenting to read on the spot and card holders can borrow, not to mention all the wonderful children’s books!
17th of January - POSTPONED
21st of February
21st of March
25th of April
16th of May
Toddler Time is once a month at 10:00 on a Friday. Note that the library opens at 11:00, so an employee will be at the door to let the toddlers and their guests in.
We have hot coffee and tea on offer for adults.
Toddler time is friendly, fun and free!
See you!
Event on Facebook
For further information:
Brynhildur Lea Ragnarsdóttir, Children‘s librarian
brynhildur.lea.ragnarsdottir@reykjavik.is | 411 6200