Bók, kaffibolla, kerti , lukt og ljósaseríu stillt upp á gæru úti í glugga.
Hugguleg stemmning í glugganum á Borgarbókasafninu í Úlfarsárdal

Information about the event

20:00 - 22:00

POSTPONED Museum Night | Cozy Evening and floating

Friday February 4th 2022

Please note that this event has been postponed until the 4th of March.

On the occasion of Museum Night at Winter Lights Festival, the Reykjavík City Library in Úlfarsárdalur wants to create a calm atmosphere at the library on a so-called cozy evening.

The lights will be dimmed, calm tunes will resound and your nerves will relax. Join us for relaxation in our auditorium.

Additionally floating in the swimming pool will be offered on collaboration with Dalslaug.


Event on Facebook.


Registration for floating and/or relaxation will be advertised later.


Further information:

Stella Sif Jónsdóttir, Specialist | Events and educational programs
