Bókakaffi með Benný Sif og Kristínu Steins
Bókakaffi með Benný Sif og Kristínu Steinsdóttur

Information about the event

17:30 - 18:30

Literary coffee | Women come for coffee

Thursday March 4th 2021

The authors Kristín Steinsdóttir and Benný Sif will come to Reykjavík City Library Sólheimar to read from their latest works and talk about them to the literary critic and actress Maríanna Clara Lúthersdóttir.

Hansdætur is Benný Sif's second book for grown ups but she has also written books for children. Hansdætur is a dramatical story about strong women, delicate souls and other colorful persons. The book has been highly praised by critics.

Kristín Steinsdóttir has a long and successful career as a writer and has written over thirty works for children and adults. Yfir bænum heima tells about the life and work of a small family in in Seyðisfjörður in the shadow of World War II. 

Further information:
Maríanna Clara Lúthersdóttir

Guðríður Sigurbjörnsdóttir
tel. 6912946